Thursday, June 12, 2008

Y do boys/girls cry..

guys cry because:

1. Girls screw them over.
2. They just got hit in the balls.
3. They're about to die.
4. Their heart is broken.
5. Because they are true men.

GIRLS: If you see a guy crying, hug
him close and hold him up as he gets
over the pain of getting kicked in the
nuts. Tell him he's not going to die,
and if he's crying over a girl, hug
him && kiss him and let him know you
just want to know that our girls will
be there for us to support us when we
need them and help us get our mind off
the pain of heartbreak, getting kicked
in the balls, and knowing we're
goinggg to die.

Girls cry because :

1. They're sad.
2. They're scared.
3. They're nervous.
4. They're frustrated.
5. They're missing someone.
6. They're alone.
7. They have their period.
8. They're pregnant.
9. Their heart is broken.
10. They're in love.
11. Their souls have been torn.
12. They met a boy they can't have.
13. They fell in love with a boy.
14. They hurt so bad inside.
15. They're mad.
16. Something bad happend.
17. Just because they feel like cryinggg.
18. You make them cry
19. You say out their secret
20. You must treat them good!

BOYS: If any girl you know is crying
and you see them, don't just stand
there and say you're sorry. Hold them
and tell them everything will be okay,
even if you have no idea what is wrong
wipe their tears away. Girls just want
to be held and know that someone cares
about them.

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